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Agribusiness, as an industry, developed a food production system that often ignores what food is really all about: nutrition, health, and flavor. The voice of those of us who are not interested in so-called conventional farming is increasing. We're not interested in consuming chemicals, toxins, or GMOs. What are we interested in? Organic food. Why? Simply put: it's better. Top Reasons to Eat Organic Foods Here are six reasons why you should make it a point to consume organic whenever possible. 1. No GMOs Genetically modified food is an unnatural […]

It's a common frustration: You've spent a warm, sunny day working in your garden, dutifully tilling the earth and planting seeds at just the right depth and distance — and then the next week, you go outside to find a crop of happy little dandelions enjoying your perfectly primed dirt. Of course, your first instinct is to destroy the invaders. So you get out your weed killer to take those dandelions to task. Wait. Do you know what's in that weed killer? If it's full of chemicals that you can't […]

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Many people don’t realize just how important gut bacteria is for their health. Your gut is home to over one trillion bacteria, and in order to keep things running smoothly, those bacteria need to stay healthy. But, there are many, many things out there that can upset gut balance. (more…)

We all pretty much know GMOs should not be taken lightly, and a new documentary from VICE on HBO is showing just how damaging they can be to our health and the environment at large. There are no long-term studies on the effects of GMOs to health or our environment, and simply labeling them as safe and allowing them to quietly assimilate into our food supply may lead to unknown effects. If you're anything like me, you avoid GMOs and pesticides at all costs by eating organic. I highly suggest […]

A bottle of Kava Calm